Search for a specific property by entering the Parcel Identification Number, or a format that vaguely resembles a (complete) parcel number.
A parcel number has the following parts:
Section |
Township |
Range |
Subdivision Code |
Block |
Lot |
32 |
2N |
29 |
5212 |
00A00 |
0110 |
The following searches all yield the same parcel:
- 09-1N-28-0000-02700-0000 (this is the official format)
- 091N280000027000000
- 09 1N 28 0000 02700 0000
- 9 1N 28 0 2700 0
- 9 - 1N-28 0000 2700-0
Parcel Range Search:
If you do not have a specific parcel number, you may search by a parcel range by checking the Search by Parcel Range checkbox.
You may specify a range by entering partial or full Parcel Identification Numbers into the Parcel From and Parcel To form fields.
- From 09-1N-28-0000-00101-0000 to 09-1N-28-0000-02700-0000 - Will return every parcel between two Parcel Identification Numbers.
- From 09 1N 28 to 09 1N 28 0000 02700 0000 - Will return every parcel before a specific parcel in the same Section-Township-Range.
- From 09-1N-28-0000-02700-0000 to 09-1N-29 - Will return every parcel from a specific parcel in the specified Section-Township-Range.
- From 091N to 091S - Will return every parcel between two partial ranges.
If partial parcel ranges are to be used, please use leading zeros when required.
For example, 09 1N to 09 1S will work but 9 1N to 9 1S will not.
However, 9 1N 28 0 2700 0 to 09 1S would work, since the first parcel number represents a complete (not partial) parcel number.